Learn the secrets of composing and delivering a magical speech


​​Valuable inspirations to become confident with your speech!

You have a speech or presentation coming up and you don't know where to start?  You don't know how to bring your ideas in order?  You don't know how to deliver your talk to captivate your audience? ​
​Somehow you feel overwhelmed because you really want to succeed with your speech and to feel confident and happy on stage. 

Imagine you are giving a speech at an (online) event and you really failed to get your audience interest. ​Doesn't this feel awful? ​ Do you have any idea what a presentation that didn't work in the end costs? ​Your nerves, your client order, your reputation.​

Excellent presentation skills are very essential for you and your business.
Good news: Presenting well is feasible for everyone and every topic.  With some impactful tools, some guidance and the intention to ​become a better speaker you really can be a star on stage. ​ ​ 

​Florence & Danja will give you some valuable tips and inspiration on how to structure your next presentation in a clear, ​memorable way and how to delight your audience. ​ ​

"It usually takes me more than 3 weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech"
Marc Twain

​How to compose & deliver a magic speech
1 hour Power Session

​In this 1 hour Power Session the two stage experts Danja & Florence will show you how you ​to​ compose an impactful speech and how to deliver your speech so that you feel more confident, joyful and ​successful. ​​ ​

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

This is a 1 hour online Power Session. This is what you will learn:


How to create and structure your speech using an easy and powerful tool


​​How to truly engage and captivate your audience


​How to be confident and clear with your speech and on stage

Here’s what people are saying about ​our power session

​Danja & Florence focus on business leaders,  executives and experts who want to step up with their speeches: ​

Claudia Schrick


​...very informative, creative and diversified

​I ​learned great tools how to structure and deliver a speech and ​which are easy to apply

​​Pierre Capaul

​Systemic Coach

.​.. my speeches get now more exciting

Wow one another amazing zoom meeting with you both. I​ had an amazing experience with you and be aware again, how to structure an amazing speech. Thank you both, to make my speeches more exciting for my audience

Shenal Arimilli

Transformational Consultant​​

​...Loved the way you presented it

​Loved the way you presented in the webinar and can see the simplicity yet with using the power of 3!

​​​What's in for you in the 1 hour power session...


​The first 30 minutes Power Session with Danja is about:
​​How to compose your speech ​

​A good talk or public speech is like a good song. It ​​grabs the listener’s attention  from the very first beginning and ends strongly. ​ ​In Danja's opinion an outstanding speech needs to be well structured and composed to create not only a speech but an artwork of a speech.  ​She will show you an easy and impactful ​process.


​The second 30 minutes Power Session with Florence is about: How to deliver your speech

​When the opportunity to speak arise or when we are put on the spot, we have to be ready to truly engage with your audience or client.
Florence will give you a guideline process to prepare your talks in order to appear confident and clear and captivate your audience’s attention.

singer-moderator-international award winning speaker

Danja's  passion and profession is her VOICE.
She sings at precious events like wedding or company parties and touches people’s heart.
She also uses her voice for speaking and moderating and helps companies to have  a professional, entertaining and outstanding event.
With her 25 years stage, singing and speaking experience  she helps entrepreneurs and top executives to make their speech and presentations as impactful and emotional like music.

performing artist, public speaking coach & trainer

Florence Reymond helps entrepreneurs and leaders become super speakers.
For the last 30 years, she has been directing artists and performing herself as an actor, dancer, singer across the USA, Canada and Europe.  
Through her long-standing experience, she has developed a full-proof process to captivate and put an audience at ease while leaving it inspired.


Danja bauer Sängerin Wien. Moderatorin für die beste Moderation in Wien und Niederösterreich (NÖ). Danja Bauer solo oder mit Band.Musik für Hochzeit, Taufe, Party. Die Partyband in Wien und Umgebung mit Danja Bauer.Hochzeitsmusik von und mit Danja Bauer, der Sängerin, Sprecherin und Moderatorin in Wien und Niederösterreich. Entertainment at it's best.